Swimming In Maths / Diving In Code Presentation

Please find below slides from the recent MGL Liverpool Computing Conference where I presented several workshops giving delegates a brief outline of ‘Swimming In Maths‘ and how the idea of the ‘Deep Dive Challenge‘ can be used effectively in Computing Lessons through the theme of ‘Diving In Code’. 🙂

The Starwars/ Mathswars Crawl

The OFSTED Quote

Swimming In Maths Lesson Structure

What the ‘Deep Dive Challenge’ looks like

Swimming In Maths ‘Depth of Understanding’

How the Depth of Understanding translates into the classroom

Impact of the ‘Deep Dive Challenge’

Delegate ‘Deep Dive Challenge’

Typical ‘Where’s The Maths?’ open-ended investigation


Impact on Social Media

Impact on Children’s Attitudes to Maths

Engaging Parents, changing Attitudes

Diving In Code

Presenting the Sphero SPRK+

The Basics

A Coding ‘Deep Dive Challenge’

Results and Further Investigation

Opportunity for Feedback

Keep In Touch



MGL Liverpool Conference Delegates

Where’s The Maths? (Delegate Deep Dive Challenge)
