Please find below slides from the recent MGL Liverpool Computing Conference where I presented several workshops giving delegates a brief outline of ‘Swimming In Maths‘ and how the idea of the ‘Deep Dive Challenge‘ can be used effectively in Computing Lessons through the theme of ‘Diving In Code’. 🙂 The Starwars/ Mathswars Crawl The OFSTED Read More…
Tag: collaboration
Collaboration – The Key Which Unlocks Learning
Collaboration Is The Key Which Unlocks Learning I’m a firm believer in collaboration and have been using it as a tool in my classroom for several years. When used effectively, it provides an exciting, high impact start to a lesson which enables all children to take responsibility for their own actions towards shared goals, engage Read More…
With Swimming in Maths, your children will never be out of their depth
I have been overwhelmed by the positive reaction to the concept of Swimming In Maths and have had the pleasure of presenting to first year students at Liverpool John Moores University plus a network of local schools within the Dingle Granby Toxteth area. In preparation for these talks, I created a Power Point presentation. The Read More…